Quick Thoughts on Personal Branding

The highest leverage thing you can do

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Quick Thoughts on Personal Branding

If companies had no brands, they'd feel the same; the same is true for creators and personal brands.

Your personal brand differentiates you in the market. It's leverage for more money and opportunities. Take it very seriously.

As Robert Greene says,"Do not leave your reputation to chance or gossip; it is your life's artwork, and you must craft it, hone it, and display it with the care of an artist." You should craft your personal brand with the care of an artist.

I get a lot of compliments on my branding now, but I was very confused about it for months. Finally, I took out my journal and asked myself a few questions:

  • What adjectives should people use to describe me?

  • What should they say about my imagery?

  • What accomplishments do I want to be known for?

  • What tone should I use on Twitter?

  • Should I curse in my writing?

  • What feelings do I want to induce?

If you haven't thought about these questions, I recommend you spend an hour thinking them over. If you want to chat about them, I'm happy to chat. It may seem silly, but if you're serious about building online, it's absolutely crucial.

The results of a strong personal brand are extraordinary. Speaking from personal experience, here’s a few reasons you should build a personal brand:

  • You command higher prices because you seem/are more in-demand.

  • If people are wowed by your brand, they’re more likely to follow, subscribe, and message you

  • People are more comfortable introducing you to higher-status individuals when they know you have your shit together.

When you display a strong personal brand over an extended period of time, it means more followers, more money, more opportunities. Imo, it's the highest leverage thing you can build.

In the words of designer Jack Butcher, "Reputation compounds." If you do personal branding right, your investment of time and money will have an infinite ROI. I’m publishing a full piece on How to Build Your Personal Brand soon. To get notified, subscribe here:

Thanks for reading nerds.

Create some cool shit this week.

Jason Levin

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Until next edition, see you on Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn.