Relevant, Useful, or Delightful

Notion's $10B Content Strategy

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How did Notion use content to grow into a $10B company? 3 key words: Relevant, Useful, Delightful.

Notion’s Community-Led Growth

By now, most people know about Notion. It’s a handy-dandy project management tool popular in the tech world.

What most people don’t realize about Notion though is that the founders previously had to lay off all their employees a decade ago to keep the company alive. They were that desperate, but the founders fought to keep Notion alive and figure out product-market fit.

Throughout the pandemic and remote work bonanza, Notion spread like wildfire. They now have 30M+ users and are valued at $10B+. While Notion’s come-up story is inspiring, what I find most impressive about Notion is its community of superfans and creators .

There are legit thousands of creators across the web creating content about Notion. In fact, Gen-Z loves Notion so much that their viral TikToks led to Notion’s servers cashing back in 2021.

While every company would love to have a community of superfans, not every company is as lucky as Notion. Or was it not luck at all?

Let’s take a look at Notion’s content strategy and see how they built a $10B business in partnership with their superfans.

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