I interviewed Bobby from Dupe

2M+ users via sticky notes and sharpies

What if you could hit 2M+ users with just sticky notes and sharpies?

Bobby Ghoshal did that with his startup Dupe.

Dupe is an app that helps you find cheaper duplicates of clothes or furniture using AI to scan the internet for “dupes”. In only 3 months, they hit 2M+ users and their #1 viral marketing tactic has been sticky notes and sharpies 🤯

Bobby and I had an awesome convo ranging from:

  • Tips to write killer hooks on TikTok

  • The #1 metric to hit on Instagram

  • What he learned working with viral growth expert Nikita Bier

  • Why all founders need to become creators

  • Is it worth the $$$ for a nice 4-letter domain? (Bobby says YES)

Watch here or listen to The Jason Levin Show on all podcast platforms.

Thanks for reading, nerds.

Let’s blow up the internet together.

Jason Levin